
Being a Scrooge is "bah humbug"

After reviewing the latest entries from last week, I decided to work on my attitude. Forgive me of the previous moanings. I'll try to be more positive with future postings. I will partially blame it on the winter season, as I'm not a big fan of the cold. Anyway, I realized that the negative moods were affecting other people as well.

This morning I got to say goodbye to B____, who has blessed our church with her talents and awesome personality. She goes back to Botswana today. The service was a little different as we enjoyed a Christmas piano concert this morning.

This afternoon, I got to hang out with artist friends (who are also strong believers). It was a great opportunity to catch up with each other and find out what everyone is doing. Another great reason for the season.

One is an art gallery manager working in Old Town Alexandria, and the other is a federal government manager, part time artist who works with pastels. I think I had talked about his work in an earlier posting. For me, the fun part is getting involved with the "creative" community. A___, the gallery manager was framing L____' art pieces, one piece he has recently finished and hopes it gets accepted in a local professional art competition and the other one is a sketching he bought years ago for investment purposes. L_____ owns a Salvador Dali piece. It could be described as one of Dali's "Don Quixote" sketches.

What was interesting is watching the framework process of choosing individual frame pieces to appropriately compliment the artwork and the colored plates to enhance the aesthetic functionality. I did not realize how much effort it takes to the choose the right pieces.

It didn't hurt to actually have an opportunity to gaze, within inches from my eyes, at such artistic and controversial genius.

While I observed owner and framer collaborate on the proper framework, I got an opportunity to meet another local gallery artist, who shares space in the art gallery, touching up on a small painting.

After getting most of the work done and spending more than 3 hours in the gallery, we decided on a quick dinner at the local Le Madeleine restaurant. As usual, the conversation was great, and the fellowship was spirit filled!

Today's verse: Psalm 50:1-5 (New Living Translation)

1The mighty God, the LORD, has spoken;
he has summoned all humanity from east to west!

2From Mount Zion, the perfection of beauty,
God shines in glorious radiance.

3Our God approaches with the noise of thunder.
Fire devours everything in his way,
and a great storm rages around him.

4Heaven and earth will be his witnesses
as he judges his people:

5"Bring my faithful people to me--
those who made a covenant with me by giving sacrifices."

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