
Sending up prayers for lawmakers

A Baltimore Sun article discusses how conservative Christians in the Annapolis area are praying for the government and legislative leadership. Stated in the headline is "Conservative Christians hold regular sessions seeking divine guidance for the legislature".

It is much more popular to have government/political prayer group functions, such as the National Prayer Breakfasts or the National Day of Prayer. As represented in the article, I do have a concern that it is only Republicans mentioned in this article to the point that it may be seen as a "partisan prayer group". We all should be praying, or at least invite others to prayer.

I wonder if partisan politics prevents politicians to invite others for prayer? The Body is a diverse group. We should greet one another and act as the Body.

Today's Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:2 (New Living Translation)

2Pray this way for kings
and all others who are in authority,
so that we can live in peace and quietness,
in godliness and dignity.

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