
Soaking Prayer

I rarely ever explain my first-hand spiritual experiences on this blog, but I feel that I should record this particular experience.

For the last three Friday nights, I have visited the Church of the Apostles in Fairfax, VA to participate in their "Soaking Prayer" Series.

Last year, the pastoral staff, Dave and Marnie Harper, visited the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship to review what this ministry does in regards to healing, as well as receive healing for themselves.

When they returned, I could sense that they were spiritually refreshed. After their encounter/conference, Dave and Marnie, were led to develop a soaking prayer series for their local congregation as well.

Last fall COA finally decided to hold a conference on Soaking Prayer. I didn't get an opportunity to register.

A fortunate incident for me, this year they felt compelled by the HS to share Soaking Prayer and share how it benefits the Body. After experiencing it firsthand on Feb 3, I decided to continue to attend this series of services. It was a great experience in which I truly felt the touch of the HS.

For those attending these services, the pastors recommended that people bring air mattresses, sleeping bags, or pillows in order to be assured of comfort. When I entered the sanctuary, half of the room was filled with people sitting in chairs, while the other half of the floor was filled with rows of people lying on blankets, mattresses, and pillows.

To summarize these experiences, I will give you a brief outline of the typical service. There were 30 minutes of filled Praise. Then we watched DVDs explaining what is Soaking Prayer. While watching the DVDs, we listened to people' testimonies how they experienced prayer in different locations in Toronto, Missouri, and Florida, and we heard how we can conduct Soaking Prayer at our own churches.

After watching the DVDs, we went into prayer. Then we got comfortable and allowed various prayer ministers to pray for us as we absorbed the prayers.

It's hard to fully explain it to you on the screen, but I can say that if you allow yourself to be open to the touch of the HS, you will feel such a relaxing experience as you are being soaked by God's presence.

After each session, I could hear laughter and crying in different areas of the sanctuary. Healing was occurring for various persons in these services.

Today's Scripture: Isaiah 38:16-17 (New International Version)
16Lord, by such things men live;
and my spirit finds life in them too.
You restored me to health
and let me live.
17Surely it was for my benefit
that I suffered such anguish.
In your love you kept me
from the pit of destruction;
you have put all my sins
behind your back.

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