
Hello again!

Hey there, did you miss me?

Yes, I have been away from blogging to gather my thoughts and "get centered" with other parts of my life. I have made a few decisions about my professional and spiritual development.

For example, in the last few months, I have moved away from Arlington. (I am so missing the area.) Now, I currently reside in the Woodbridge area, Prince William County with family. It's an adjustment, of course, and it's only temporary.

By the way, if you have read my previous posts, you may notice I have been playing with the flickr site. Since I got my new digital point and shoot camera in December 2006, I have been taking pictures almost every weekend since January. From DC sights, Virginia parks, and to friends and colleagues, I have been snapping away. So many opportunities to take snapshots that I have been irritating family members!!!

Well, even if you had not missed me, I have missed you, my dear readers, all 7 of you, my regular readership!

Yes, I laugh as I write this.

I will be better about writing posts, significant posts in particular. Also, I'm back to one of my favorite sports, racquetball. I'm playing with some co-workers/friends at least once during the weekdays and once during the weekend. Hopefully, we'll get more opportunities to play.

Even with the changes, I'm feeling more settled, and I am so relieved that the warm weather is here in DC!

Take care.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back! I missed you heaps and heaps!

Anonymous said...

You should check out meetandplay.com . They have a rather vast listing of courts, and players to play across the united states as well as a pretty active community forum to discuss Racquetball.

Traveler said...

The Divine Miz Roz, I missed you too! I hope all is well at the other side of the pond. ;)

Traveler said...

Jackie, thanks for the heads up on the website. I'll check it out.

Blessings, Traveler