
San Diego Observations and Aging Gracefully

The San Diego trip was great. I got spoiled. The east coast neuroticism wore off very quickly. With just 4 days of exposure to the California sun and weather, I easily got into that Southern California rhythm and laid back attitude. Temperatures were warm, and the natives were cool and very tan. Between sessions and wearing my sunglasses, I enjoyed walks in Balboa Park and absorbed the local scene. People were relaxing, walking their dogs, and sitting on the grass. Through random observations, I can safely say that Californians just love driving their convertibles, and I now I understand why. With this constantly great weather throughout the year, why not enjoy driving with the wind in your hair and absorbing the warm sunlight.

I used to live here as a child during the 70s and early 80s. It's amazing how the city has changed and grown. The area still hosts some of the greatest Tex-Mex restaurants in the nation. Of course, the first thing I ordered when I arrived here were nice, juicy beef and chicken tacos. When I get to do any type of travel, I get an itch for Asian cuisine. A nice restaurant of note is Rice Jones located in the Hillcrest area. It serves unique Vietnamese fusion cuisine. The ginger chicken was quite good and very healthy. The vegetables were fresh with the adequate crunch.

Californians are beautiful creatures. It was very sad to watch great looking women with artificial enhancements to their appearances. There were a number of them with enhanced looks. On the return plane ride, I sat next to a gorgeous woman with long blonde hair, probably in her 40s, with full pouting lips and pointed nose. It looked as though she had gone under the knife a few years ago. I noticed that the sides of her nostrils were starting to cave in on her face. The pressure to look good must be maddening. Even here in DC, during Sunday brunch while I was eating with a group of friends at Clyde's in Rockville, we noticed an older woman with stretched face, high cheek bones, and enhanced body. She looked great and strange at the same time. You could easily tell she had cosmetic surgery. I thought this was very sad. Maybe I'm not old enough to appreciate it. Often American society, and the world in general, sadly places too much emphasis on youth. I appreciate what my father says, "every day of life lived is a blessing." He appreciates the years given to us and what God has granted us. If people knew Christ, would they continue to undergo enhancement surgery? I wonder. Would I ever consider it? In heaven, we'll have new bodies, not decaying earth suits in which we notice the flab, the wrinkles, or the stretch marks. Our heavenly bodies will be made of sterner stuff. Even so, while we're here on this plane, we want to be comforted and maintain the flesh. Is that so wrong? Time will let me know. You've heard that scripture in Corinthians 6:19 that our body is a temple given by God. We still need to take care of our physical bodies.

Now, I'm back in the DC area to dark clouds and possible rain. The autumn weather just makes it a great time to be on the east coast.

On another note, I was going through certain struggles while I was there. Fortunately, God kept me safe. There were a few scenarios where I could easily get into trouble. Thank God, everything went okay. Although the old troubles try to plague me, I know that God is doing a new thing in my life.

Today's verse: Hebrews 8:11-14 (New Living Translation)

And they will not need to teach their neighbors,
nor will they need to teach their family,
saying, `You should know the Lord.'
For everyone, from the least to the greatest,
will already know me.

And I will forgive their wrongdoings,
and I will never again remember their sins."

When God speaks of a new covenant, it means he has made the first one obsolete. It is now out of date and ready to be put aside.

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