
More hope for Christian convert in Afghanistan

Western nations and Christian are hoping for good news about an Afghan convert to Christianity to be released from the Afghan government, says CNN sources. Even if you haven't already guessed, it is punishable by death if a muslim has converted to a foreign religion.

With the new constitution, it is mixed with sharia law and international legal standards. It will be a tricky situation how the new government deals with pressure from opposing sides, where they are dealing with European and US governments and Christian groups demanding freedom and dealing with Muslim groups and clerics declaring his execution.

The government does not want to be viewed by domestic observers as a mere "lackey" to Western pressures.

Abdul Rahman is declaring openly about his conversion to Christianity, which occurred 16 years ago while serving in an international (French) medical nongovernment organization in Pakistan. This is a clear test about how the new (secular?) Karzai government will handle the case. Even those against the Taliban while they were in control, they now oppose the conversion.

Talk about amazing! He still declares his open conversion in the face of the ultimate penalty. Imagine what he is currently facing.

What is it? Strong faith or fanaticism?

Whatever the outcome, this incident may incite another round of protests in the area and may create a larger wedge between the government and international backers. From what I've read in the news, he was living in Germany before returning to Afghanistan to assist in a family squabble. Upon his return, he was arrested for his conversion.

Other recent news sources cite more details how the new Afghan government is scrambling to handle this crisis smoothly, as Condoleeza Rice and the Pope urge for freedom and clerics want Abdul to face Islamic law.

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