
Start of the Week

Its Monday, its snowing in the afternoon, and I'm in a blah-blah-blah mood. We were hoping that the snow started earlier, so we can get out of the office early, but it doesn't look like its going to happen.

The good news is the Dallas Cowboys lost and the Chargers won! Oh, yeah, baby.

In an earlier note, I talked about my first upcoming sermon.

I think it went okay. The sermon, I mean. The service at the senior center went well. About 15 to 30 people showed up. Even the receptionist stopped by to listen to the service. I'm proud of our little group. "S" emceed for the occasion and did a great job getting things in order and on time. Our P&W couple did their thing, and the crowd loved them. They appreciated songs and the scripture readings. After the service, we also hosted a small reception with homemade cookies, cake and store bought egg nog. A few YA members never tried egg nog, and it wasn't well received when they tasted. I'm not a big fan of the stuff either. Admittedly, it does taste slightly better when it is homemade and mixed with rum. And, no, we did not have any rum at the reception. Just imagine! (JK, of course) Most importantly, the attendees appreciated it. We'll definitely be there again as a group for another turnout.

We just got a note about office closing! Yeah, God is soooo good. I'm outta here.

Today's verse: Psalm 147:18 (Amplified Bible)

18He sends out His word, and melts [ice and snow]; He causes His wind to blow, and the waters flow.

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