
Weekend recap: Friday prayer, walking through a cemetery and the Inner Harbor

Friday night was a great time. I usually don't go to prayer sessions on this night, but I ended up at the church to attend a Spirit-filled session. The topic was on a prayer for Lebanon. Within the last few months, the church decided to pick individual countries for prayer. With the intense conflict happening there now, the congregation felt an immediate need to pray for this country.

Running early on Saturday morning with the lovely ladies (again) was a wonderful treat. We decided a change in venue. We ran through Rock Creek Parkway up to Connecticut Ave. Even if body functions were preventing me to continue with the majority run, it was a great start for the day.

Oh Roz, stop smirking!

Afterwards, while returning to our cars, we went exploring through the brush and found ourselves at a cemetery area in Georgetown. It was quite peaceful.

I think some folks would feel creepy walking in the area, but I certainly didn't feel that way. There is a certainty or should I say a calmness when I walk "through the valley of death".

We noticed some older grave sites outside the Dunbarton Oaks area that were not taken care of. At least one grave marker was located alongside a dirt path. Part of the stone marker had broken.

We decided to get something to eat at a non-descript diner in the Cleveland Park area.

On that same day, I went to the fair city located just north of the DC area for the night and had a great time with a college buddy. He showed me around and we got an opportunity to check out the local sights, such as the new fixtures at the Inner Harbor.

He attend my church on Sunday. We arrived late for the church, but we made it to Sunday school where the college intern William had the “almost unconscious” (read: half-asleep) regular crowd shouting “amens” and jumping. Also, did I see one of our almost-catatonic sisters, S., actually talk during the teaching?

Say what?

The Spirit was at work during that morning.

Our senior pastor led praise and worship. One of the songs, "Friend of God", touched the congregation.

Also, I was touched by the senior pastor's wife message in the morning service, and it appeared that my friend enjoyed the church experience. The senior pastor gave an official alter call for the entire church membership. He came up to the alter as did the rest of the church near the end of the message and knelt, and he raised his hands to Him.

Today's Scripture: 1 Samuel 20:42 (New International Version)
42Jonathan said to David,
"Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship
with each other in the name of the LORD, saying,
'The LORD is witness between you and me,
and between your descendants and my descendants forever.'
"Then David left, and Jonathan went back to the town.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Me? Smirk? Never!!